Justworks | Office 365 - Exchange - SharePoint - Hyper-V - Azure

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So, Office 365 is what, exactly?

As we help more and more of our customers migrate from their existing on-premise Exchange 2007, 2010 and 2013 environments to the Office 365, the number one question we get is: "So, umm, what is Office 365 again?"  The biggest misconception that exists (and one we're not entirely sure how it came to be) is that Office 365 is the actual Office software suite, versus the cloud services. Microsoft's ever-growing and ridiculous amount of versions and names certainly doesn't help the cause.

Blogging genius, and all around swell guy Paul Thurrott once again does a great service to the community by summarizing the many, many options available. 

Which Office 365

Microsoft offers a wide range of Office 365 subscription plans that target individuals, households, and businesses (and business-like entities) of all sizes. But given the tremendous value and the sheer amount of choice here, how do you choose? Ultimately, it just comes down comparing the consumer and business versions of Office 365, and then understanding the benefits of each subscription.

Now that you've figured out which version you want and need, get in touch with us and let us help with your migration.  We'll do it right, the first time.